Private WW1 Ypres & surrounding area Cemetery Visit
Do you have a WW1 relative buried at a hard to reach or obscure cemetery not easily accessible via normal means of transport?
Would you like a seamless memorable & poignant visit?
I offer a door to door service from your hotel at Ypres, Lille, Bruges, Dunkirk or in that locality up to 1hr 30mins from your hotel.
Where possible I'll fully research the soldier to give an insight into his service, conditions at the time and what happened on the day.
I will also ensure that you remember to take photos commemorating the pilgrimage, and advise on the best composition of those photos, then I'll ensure that you sign the war graves visitors book at the cemetery.
Do you wish to mark your visit by laying a wreath at the memorial or gravesite?
I can obtain for you a ROYAL BRITISH LEGION Poppy Wreath which are available from the CWGC office here in Ypres, please note these are in high demand so it will depend on the day which wreath I'll be able to secure for you, generally they are €27 ones, I will obtain a receipt for you, the wreath is payable by you on the day of the tour in cash.
All monies from these wreaths go to the Royal British Legion charity which helps wounded soldiers and families of the bereaved
This link below takes you to the list of Cemeteries and Memorials on the Western Front, casualties are searchable by name, if you need assistance I am happy to assist you:
My own great uncle Pte Patrick Thomas Staunton was killed in 1915 & is commemorated on the Menin Gate Memorial so I also have that personal connection that you have.
The price of this visit is for 1-4 people, a total group price of €200
Larger groups can be accommodated but will need to be charged for a hire minibus which is an extra €160